AnGST is a tiny application that tells you a few interesting things about your Macintosh (Memory, CPU/FPU, etc...).
AnGST is update-ware. If you find that AnGST improperly reports the status of your Macintosh, please e-mail me a description of the error, and I'll do my best to correct it an upcoming version.
Version History:
1.0 Initial Release. (7/4/96 - The day we fight back!)
Display of numerical Gestalt values, ability to flip between text and numerical values.
Ability to Print and Save!!!!!
Thanks to:
Brad Shigenaka <, > for the title and putting up with the constant stream of beta releases I sent to him! Thanx for all the support bud!
Metrowerks < > for the incredible academic discount on CodeWarrior!
Apple Computer < > for the Apple II, the Powerbook Duo 280, and lots of hard to follow documentation and code snippets!
Contact Information:
Todd McDaniel <primary> (home of the imfamous X-Font)